Market Access Consulting – comprehensive solutions and projects in healthcare

Our principles

Deep knowledge of the market, professional navigation in the system of regulations, continuous monitoring of changes and high skills in forecasting the trends in healthcare enable us to provide highly competent services, using modern and urgent approaches.

Satisfying the needs of our clients and reaching the goals of the companies is our top priority. We guarantee productive dialogue, adapting our strategies to your tasks and goals, and also readiness to create brand new instruments for reaching the maximum effect. And certainly, we provide confidentiality of the work.

We timely adapt to changes and new developments, actively implement new technologies, methods and algorithms in our work. Thus, we can create long-term strategies based on complex analytics and information, qualitative arguments and efficient communication.

МАС company has a Code of Corporate Ethics, which is strictly followed. Our activities are performed in full accordance with the rules of Russian Law.  We appreciate our reputation and follow principles of compliance, ethics and transparent decision making.  

Work directions in 2021

In 2021 we have defined 4 major directions, which are a priority for the Russian healthcare and require update:
Our cases
Ex vivo gene therapy and molecular genetic diagnostics
Using “off-label” medicaments in clinical practice
Innovative models of medical provision. Innovative contracts
Increasing accessibility of healthcare delivery for patients with rare (orphan) diseases, CVD, oncology diseases, hemato-oncological diseases


Trainings in Мarket Аccess: «Fundamental principles for market access of new pharmaceutical products. Legal and regulatory framework»
Training for journalists: «Innovations in Russian healthcare. Specifics of media coverage»
VII International Research-to-Practice Conference «Assessment of technologies in healthcare: introducing innovations to the program of state guarantee of universal health care and compulsory medical insurance system»