01 03 Примеры

Project in improving medical treatment for patients with inflammatory bowel diseases

During the work in this nosology we managed to achieve significant results.

  • Increase in tariffs of CHI for IBD treatment
  • Introduction of certain kinds of diagnostic related groups in territorial subjects
  • Introduction of amendments to regulatory documents (including changes in Procedure of health services delivery in the sections “gastroenterology” and “coloproctology” in providing medical services to patients with IBD)
  • Creating specialized centers of treatment for IBD in more than 10 territorial subjects of Russia
02 03 Примеры

Project in improving medical treatment for patients with cardio-vascular diseases

During the work on the problems with CVD our agency influenced the decision to launch regional projects in providing the outpatients who have survived acute cerebrovascular accidents, myocardial infarction and other acute cardio-vascular diseases, with medicaments. Such projects make it possible to reach the goals, indicators and results in the federal project “Control over CVD” within the national project “Healthcare”.

03 03 Примеры

Project in improving medical treatment for patients with orphan diseases

As a result of the conducted research, events and PR activities our company became a participant of a project which resulted in a decision to introduce amendments to the Federal Law N 323 from 21.11.2011 “On fundamental healthcare principles in the Russian Federation” which included additional diseases (hemolytic-uretic syndrome, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, mucopolysaccharidosis types I, II, VI), treatment of which is high-cost for the territorial subjects of Russian Federation.